

作者: 来源: 编辑: 发布时间: 2007-7-19 16:47:24





《中国海洋经济评论(Ocean Economics Review of China》是由中国海洋大学经济学院海洋经济研究中心、海洋发展研究院海洋经济研究所主办的专业学术期刊,由经济科学出版社期出版,本刊旨在发表中国以及国际海洋经济领域的原创性研究成果,发表论文主要包括但不局限于以下研究内容:


*         沿海区域开发与规划;

*         跨海域政治经济合作;

*         全球价值链与沿海产业升级;

*         海洋资源可持续利用与保护;

*         海洋产业组织行为;

*         海洋开发与国家/地区创新体系建设;

*         海洋环境变化及其经济影响;

*         离岸产业发展与布局


《中国海洋经济评论(Ocean Economics Review of China)》篇幅一般为10000字左右,文章具体要求一般涵盖以下内容:


*         论文题目、作者姓名、单位、邮政编码、电子邮箱

*         中英文摘要(200字以上)

*         中英文关键词(3-5个)

*         JEL编码

*         正文

*         参考文献


投稿文章要求为汉语或者英语,论文不收取版面费。投稿者请直接将论文电子版通过邮件直接寄给刘曙光博士(Email:; or








Ocean Economics Review of China



Ocean Economics Review of China (OERC) is a newly published journal by College of Economy and KRI Institute of Marine Development, Ocean University of China. OERC is to publish original research articles and studies that describe the latest research and developments in ocean economics in China as well as the world. The areas of interest include but are not limited to:


*         Coastal region development and planning;

*         Cross-sea geo-political & geo-economic collaboration

*         Global value chains and coastal industrial upgrading

*         Marine resource sustainable development and protection

*         Maritime industrial organization

*         Ocean development and national / regional innovation system

*         Ocean environment changes and its impact on economy

*         Off-shoring of industries and services


OERC will be published one volume, two issues per year. Manuscripts can be sent via e-mail to

Assistant Editor of OERC. In accordance with usual practice, papers previously published and are under consideration for publication elsewhere cannot be accepted, and authors must agree not to publish accepted papers elsewhere without the prior permission of OERC. The paper should not normally exceed 10000 words, and should confirm to the following:


*         The paper should contain the title, author(s) name, affiliation(s), mailing address, email

*         Abstract describing the context and scope of the paper

*         Keywords

*         JEL Classification

*         Main text

*         References


Submission of manuscript should be written in English or Chinese. All contributions will be reviewed by two independent experts. Upon acceptance of an article, the author(s) are assumed to have transferred the copyright of the article to OERC. There are no page charges to individuals or institutions for contributions.


The authors should submit an electronic copy of their unpublished and original paper to Dr. Dawn Shuguang Liu (Email:; or









1.       Risto Laulajainen. Route selection by tankers (dirty) at the Suez Canal

2.       Sabine Knapp and Philip Hans Franses. Econometric Analysis on the Effectiveness across Port State Control Regimes: What are the areas of improvement for inspections?

3.       Haifeng Wang. A Comparison between America and Other Countries in Offshore Aquaculture Management: A Literature Review

4.       Bao Jiang, Hoki Nam and Jian Li. A Trend Analysis of Competition Positioning in Chinese Seaport by Using DEA model and BCG Matrix

5.       杨金森. 海洋强国的经验教训与发展模式

6.       韩立民, 都晓岩. 海洋产业布局若干理论问题的初步研究

7.         , 杨正勇, 张相国. 渔业风险因素结构分析: 一个理论的比较框架

8.       于谨凯,  . 基于生态足迹的海洋渔业资源可持续利用研究

9.       狄乾斌, 韩增林. 辽宁省海洋产业结构特征与比较研究

10.     . 渔业资源过度利用的经济学解释及政策效果分析

11.   刘曙光, 吴宏涛. 区域港口群博弈问题研究:以环渤海地区港口群为例

12.     , 戴桂林. 论现代港口经济本位论的内涵

13.   会议综述: 我国产业经济学科发展与建设的路径选择

14.   《中国海洋经济评论》征稿启事

Ocean Economics Review of China

Volume 1, Number 1, 2007




1.        Risto Laulajainen. Route selection by tankers (dirty) at the Suez Canal

2.        Sabine Knapp and Philip Hans Franses. Econometric analysis on the effectiveness across port state control regimes: what are the areas of improvement for inspections?

3.        Haifeng Wang. A Comparison between America and other countries in offshore aquaculture management: a literature review

4.        Bao Jiang, Hoki Nam and Jian Li. A trend analysis of competition positioning in Chinese seaport by using DEA model and BCG matrix

5.        Yang Jinsen. The development of nation upon ocean: experiences, lessons, and models

6.        Han Limin, Du Xiaoyan. An initial theoretical approach to the location of marine industries

7.        Xu Zhong, Yang Zhengyong, Zhang Xiang-guo. Fisheries risk factors structure analysis: a theoretical framework

8.        Yu Jinkai, Gao Lei. A research on marine fishery sustainable utilization based on ecological footprint

9.        Di QianbinHan Zenglin. Comparative research and the character of marine industry structure of Liaoning Province

10.    Lu Ning. The economic explanation of fishery resources overuse and some analysis of fishery policy

11.    Liu Shuguang Wu Hongtao. The Game of regional seaports: a case study of round Bohai Sea ports

12.    Su Meng, Dai Guilin. Conceptual analysis economic co-relations between port and adjacent region

13.    Summary of conference: Path choice of industrial economics development in China

14.    Call for papers